Held: Thursday 27 June, 4 pm – 5.30 pm
Personal Perspectives Panelists: Alison McKeown, David Gaunt (Gleebooks) and Vicki Pogulis (past Principal at Glebe Public School)
The Community Committee was delighted that our three chosen speakers accepted our invitation to give their personal perspectives on ‘their Glebe’. Alison McKeown described Glebe from a resident’s point of view with several telling anecdotes about mixing community activism and raising babies; David Gaunt of Gleebooks shared his take on Glebe’s commercial environment and Vicki Pogulis recounted many changes she had witnessed while Principal at Glebe Public School. We owe a vote of thanks to all three for sharing their long-term Glebe experiences with us.
Glasgow to Glebe, Sadie King's Life Story as told by Janice Challinor Book CoverHowever the day really belonged to Sadie King. Over 100 people came to see Sadie’s contribution to Glebe recognised, and learn more about her extraordinarily long and productive life. Many of those who came have lived alongside Sadie and known her as a neighbour, friend and supporter of fellow public housing tenant for decades, so it was very gratifying to have her biography by Janice Challinor so well received.
John Faulkner spoke eloquently about Sadie’s contributions to both the Union movement and the Labor Party as he reviewed her life story and added an interesting view of the Labor Party’s machinations which put it in perspective. I know that learning more about the early experiences of a person whom he admired for her activism was something John valued. I’d like to thank him for his kind and considered words.
That all 100 copies of the booklet were sold was a wonderful surprise as we did not really know what demand there may have been. The Glebe Society management committee is to be thanked for trusting in this scribe and agreeing to publish Sadie’s story. They will now have to consider whether there is sufficient demand for a reprint, so for those who would like a copy and missed out, please contact the Society on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that can be considered.
Sadie herself, while being a little overwhelmed on the day to the extent that she felt unable to speak, has since expressed her delight in the reception her story has been given. It was lovely for her to meet with people she’d known and worked with who’d come especially to wish her well. Ann O’Mahony from Beehive Industries, and Col Joye whom she’d known when a delegate at the Trades and Labor Council, where he had also represented his union, Actors Equity, both congratulated Sadie, and meeting with Tanya Plibersek, who offered her personal apologies to Sadie at the Festival Launch event for being unable to attend really made her day. Sadie has indeed given a lot to Glebe and it’s appropriate for the Glebe Society to recognise that.
Feedback on personal perspectives:
‘I enjoyed listening to all the other speakers. All those wonderful memories of Glebe. Some hard times, some wonderful ones; all connected with some amazing people. … My regards to the Glebe Society and congratulations on a wonderful event. You all could be so proud!’
Photos of the Event