Above: Volunteers staff the front desk (L to R) Jane Fissendon, Jennie Maclaren and Annabel Davis (Photo VixPix Photography)
Janice Challinor coordinated all the volunteer roles required for the duration of the Festival – including bump in and bump out. Because of Janice’s hard work, we were never short of volunteers.
Janice says: ‘It was gratifying to find that volunteers did come to the fore in time for the Festival, so despite my earlier concerns about numbers we were able to provide a friendly face and genuine heartfelt welcome to all who came for every day of the Anniversary week. Thank you all for your input. … Altogether over 70 members who contributed in varying volunteer capacities to make it all happen.’
Many volunteers assisted throughout the Festival, including those who staffed the front desk to welcome visitors. Many volunteers are mentioned throughout this website in relation to particular aspects of the Festival. Here we thank those volunteers not mentioned elsewhere:
Lydia Bushell, Bobbie Burke, Fiona Campbell, Les Carter, Wayne Carveth, Helen Cho, Susie Cleary, Natasha Djuk Carole Herriman, Sue Ingram, Murray Jewell, Lucie Loane, Lesley Lynch, Jennie Maclaren, Patrick Marco, Janet Oakley, Carol Olafson, Anne Owens, Helen Randerson, Erica Robinson, Peter Robinson, Bill Simpson-Young, Anna Szanto, Susan Tiffen, Jennifer Walker, Margaret Whittaker, Faye Williams, Jan Wilson, Louise Yeates and Benedicte Zursthassen.
Please accept our apologies if you volunteered and your name has been inadvertently left out.
Volunteers in Action

Volunteer BIG Thank You Party
Monday evening on the 1 July 2019 was time for many of the volunteers to look around at the empty community space and think about the great job they had all done to make our Community Festival such a success.
Many friendships have been made and new found talents discovered – a relaxed and enjoyable evening. We were so pleased that so many of our new friends from the Glebe Art Show were able to be with us -– what a valuable contribution these wonderful people made to the success of the Festival. We enjoyed the 1960s background music provided by Jane Gatwood.
Jude Paul, Jane Gatwood, Jane Fissenden, Janice Challinor and Mark Stapleton hosted us all at this casual final evening. A lovely way to end such a successful Festival.